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Great job. Keep it up. Personally, I would give the main character a little more speed so he can move faster both without the treasure and with it. :)

I wanted to keep the exact same speed as the original arcade game, both with and without a bag. I am referring to NTSC. When playing in PAL, the speed of the game decreases by 20%.

However, I'm glad you enjoy the game.


I understand 😊 The game is great nonetheless. I like this type of game. I wish you continued success in making them. Long live COMMODORE 😁 


Hi Luca. Great game! I’ve reviewed it here if you’re interested. Keep up the good work. I love your stuff!

Fantastic !!! Thank you so much for the great review!

is this game available to license for arcade?

What do you mean exactly?

to sell to my customers on polycade arcades.


There is a copyright issue here. Bagman is a Taito licensed game from Valadon Automation. My remakes are clearly based on the original version and therefore cannot be put up for sale in any way to avoid copyright infringement. Sorry.

Lovely game - thank you - this is my tribute...

Thank you very much, also for your tribute!

As always Luca, awesome work !!!

Thanks for the compliments and for the video!

Thank you Luca, amo Bagman dal 1982 e 24 livelli è incredibile solo il pensiero per quanto sara' bello giocarli. Ci faro' live su twitch apposite per divulgarlo, meriti ricompense e recensioni ovunque. Grazie!

Grazie per la considerazione! Non mancherò di vedere il tuo video.

Prego, ho caricato la live di ieri su Bagman Strikes Back su youtube:

Ho visto il video e ti ringrazio per l'ottima pubblicità che mi stai facendo!

Ho appena aggiornato il gioco (v. 1.0.1). Ho corretto il bug che avevi trovato e ho reso lo stage in cui ti era capitato leggermente più facile. In effetti era un po' "tostarello", come dici tu.

Grazie, rigiocato anche oggi su Twitch (vedo di caricarlo su youtube il video ma devo separarlo da altri giochi) ora sono arrivato al livello 11 sempre più bello di livello in livello. Notte!

very good

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thank you

gracias por el juego

¡Diviértete con esta nueva versión!

(1 edit)

yes. 8.5/10


Awesome game!

Thank you so much!!!

Amazing game, congrats and thanks!

I'm glad you appreciate it!


Ooohhhhh mama!

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oh hell yes!!


