A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

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The game is set inside a spaceship invaded by alien entities that have deactivated the supply batteries necessary for the propulsion of the rockets. The aim is to guide Mike, the mechanic on board, inside the various power rooms and reactivate the batteries. To activate a battery, the player simply has to touch it on one of the four sides.

The player has the option of moving around the room by jumping from battery to battery or by using elevators that move vertically or horizontally. Sometimes there are portals through which the player can teleport to another point in the room.

Mike has no defense against the aliens. The only way to complete a level is therefore to avoid them not to lose a life. Even the contact with the cooling fans, present in some rooms, is fatal.

To complicate matters, there is a time limit, beyond which the player will lose a life.

After activating a certain number of batteries, a crystal will appear for approximately 10 seconds. The player can try to pick it up to increase the score.

Once all the batteries in a room have been activated, the player will earn an extra score based on the amount of time left and will go to the next level.

Every 10000 points, the player earns an extra life, for a maximum of 8 lives.


The game includes 70 levels in total. By choosing Ship Layout A, you will play the easiest 35 levels. By choosing Layout B, you will play the 35 most difficult levels. By choosing Layout A+B, you will play all 70 levels.

You also have the possibility to practice with a single room of your choice: move the selection box over "Practice room 01", then move the joystick left or right to select the room, finally press fire.


Arrow keys
Controller lever
Move Mike left/right
Ctrl keys
Any controller button
Down arrow key
Controller down
P Pause
Home Stop game and return to title screen
Shift+Del Reset ranking (while the top scores are displayed)
F10 Change pixel effect
F11 Toggle integer scaling
F12 Toggle fullscreen
EscExit game

You can also use the WASD or IJKL keys as directional keys, and the Z or M keys as fire button.

The gamepad D-Pad can also be used.


Version 1.0

  • First release.

Version 1.1

  • You can now use the controller to enter a top score name.

Version 1.2

  • You can now practice with a single room of your choice.

Version 1.3

  • More controllers are now recognized.
Updated 25 days ago
PlatformsWindows, macOS, Linux
Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars
(4 total ratings)
Made withAudacity, MonoGame, GraphicsGale
Tags2D, Arcade, Pixel Art, Retro, Singleplayer
Average sessionA few minutes
InputsKeyboard, Gamepad (any), Joystick


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

MikeMech_win-x86.zip 16 MB
MikeMech_linux-x64.zip 17 MB
MikeMech_linux-arm64.zip 16 MB
MikeMech_osx-x64.zip 18 MB
MikeMech_osx-arm64.zip 17 MB


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(1 edit)

Is it possible to compile and offer an ARM-version for Raspberry Pi's?

Do you mean for Linux? 32 or 64 bit ARM?

Something that runs on a Raspberry Pi like that build that was done for Undrium, called Undrium_Portable_Linux_Arm64_1.1.zip on this site ...


Would be nice to play Mike Mech on a Raspberry Pi.


I just uploaded the linux-arm64 version of the game. Have fun with it! ;)

Excellent! Thank you very much!

Btw, is it you or itch.io that allows logos for downloads? Maybe you should add a Raspberry Pi logo to all the downloads! And great to see that all none-C64 games are now also available for Raspberry Pi enthusiasts.

Fantastic! Thank you for Linux support!

(1 edit)

It's a perfect game for kids. Cute, colorful, nice sounds, and the gameplay is not too difficult, nor violent.

But, is this serious?  virustotal  The good thing it's not 75..  ๐Ÿ˜Ž

I'm glad you like the game, and hopefully your children will too.

Regarding VirusTotal, I tried it myself and got this:

It is obviously a false positive.

Any chance you'll be willing to share source for some / all(?) of these? Awesome job btw...


Not at the moment, but who knows in the future

I want it for something portable: Nintendo Switch, 3DS, PSVita... Or Android, at least.


Maybe there would be an option for Android, but I have many other priorities right now, sorry.


In any case, there IS a C64 version, so no problem to run it in emulators on on any systems, including portable devices.
THANK YOU for cool C64 games!


I'm happy you appreciate!


Top game!

Glad you like it!


Thank you ๐Ÿ˜Ž
