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when is super random-pac coming out

I'm afraid I'm unlikely to make any more PC games, sorry.


As I have explained to others, unfortunately my PC games have little visibility. They are rarely downloaded and, above all, I receive few donations. If I compare the 8 most downloaded PC games to the 8 most downloaded C64 games, I get a 2:1 ratio in favor of the C64 for downloads and a 7:1 ratio in favor of the C64 for donations. So you can understand that focusing on C64 games gives me much more satisfaction.

Nice one. Only played it for the first time last night.

Glad you like ite.

Fantastic! Thank you for Linux support!


That's an excellent remake, thank you โ€“ especially for the Linux version!


I'm glad you appreciate!

Great game! I love the maze generation in this one, with big wall sections really changing the feel of each new stage, and the ghost house able to change its vertical position to a great extent, mixing things up. : ) Also: multiple bonus stages! = D


good game


(2 edits)

Nice job this is pretty awesome, you should try giving Super pac man the same treatment.

Edit: Also the ghosts never speed up, and there's no intermission cutscenes like in the orignal.

Super Pac Man is not one of my favorite games, and anyway I'm working on other projects now, sorry.

Actually ghosts do increase speed but they do it very gradually from level to level.

And about the intermissions, let's say I replaced them with bonus levels.

(1 edit)

Ok then I just thought this was a really cool concept and would be cool with super pac man, but I guess I'll check out your other games.

i like games


very good

great remake, super-accurate, and very original too.

Small note: did you notice that ghosts tend to reveal where they're going long before they turn in the original game by looking in the next direction one or 2 tiles before ? your remake doesn't retain that feature.

Thank you very much for the compliments.

Yes, I noticed that in the original game, the ghosts look a moment earlier in the direction they decide to go. This is because they choose the direction a tile before arriving at a crossroad. In my version, however, they decide the direction exactly when they are at the crossroad, not a moment before. Different choices. Anyway congratulations for noticing. No one had ever pointed this out to me before.

All your games are amazing! Just like playing them on Mame and even better. You made all these games very accurate to the originals and its really incredible! I really hope you make more, Im looking forward to it. If I had an arcade cabinet I would put them all in it.

Your game frontend (Retrojoybox) is really nice too and very easy to use.

Awesome games! 


Thank you very much for the compliments, really. Now I'm working on a clone of Ms. PacMan but for Commodore 64 (do you know what I'm talking about?). After that, honestly, I don't know if I'll still have the intention and the chance to make other games. Only time will tell. Thanks again.


Commodore 64? Yes I do know the computer very well! I grew up with it, good memories! I own a C64 Maxi now as well.

A Commodore 64 version clone of Ms Pac-Man would totally be awesome!

So much fun to play randomised levels - If only the enemies and sprites were rotated between 80s games/films like DonkeyME (Just an idea) 

I didn't know about DonkeyME. Nice idea of being able to choose between various characters, but I prefer to leave the idea to those who had it and dedicate myself to new projects rather than go back to projects that I think are finished. Thanks anyway for the advice.

I think I last played PackMan almost 38 years ago.

Thank you so much i love it.

One of those loves that are never forgotten !!!

So cool! it's a very good tribute for the 40th Pac-Man anniversary. And with bonus stage for each 3 levels in Mario Bros. and Galaga style.

I'm glad you appreciate it.